The PEAR Academy

Is the first all-girls mindful school focused on building lasting confidence and a healthy mindset for teens and young adults.

PEAR is designed to strengthen inner resources to develop a strong moral compass that supports healthy boundaries, honesty, integrity, self-confidence, and kindness. 

***Watch the virtual presentation to learn more about the PEAR Academy***

Watch the pre-recorded virtual presentation for interested participants, social workers, and organizations.

During this virtual presentation, you will learn about the mission and vision of the PEAR Academy. We will discuss what drives our mission and provide an overview of the course layout for participants. Additionally, you will get an inside glimpse of the course and learn how to sign up. Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to seeing you or your organization in our academy.

Youth and young adults ages 10–24 account for 14% of ALL suicides

The PEAR Academy is a call to action to reduce this statistic.

PEAR Academy, an unconventional charm school, is an online Academy that introduces participants (youth and college females aged 13-24) to the tools of social-emotional learning, and mindfulness training.

At PEAR Academy, we believe that a healthy, flexible mindset is the key to sustainable confidence and success. In just six months, we graduate girls and young women who are able to meet life with poise, elegance, and kindness. We help girls get acquainted with their levels of emotional tolerance and understand their own emotional patterns while designing a course of action that aligns with their life goals. We guide girls through adolescence into adulthood.

*POISE & ELEGANCE are matters of internal resources. ATTITUDE & RESPECT are external factors that are attracted after our internal resources are established. We are built upon the ancient premise to Know Thyself! We take the idea of etiquette and social behavior and infuse it with a mindfulness approach.

A Glimpse of the Course

Within our 6-month program, we re-introduce the benefits of refined thinking and behavior rooted in empowering girls toward positive self-esteem and academic confidence while maintaining social and self-awareness.

Monthly Community Circle

Monthly seminars that expand upon each module, along with guest speakers and group art activities.

Registration Requirements

Young Ladies ages 13-18 and 18-24

Attendance of Monthly Lessons and Seminars

Completed application and acceptance


Monthly Seminars & Annual Retreat Ceremony.

The retreat ceremony will include a three-day overnight stay, outdoor excursions and a fomral etiquette dinner ceremony along wiht guest speakers.

Enrollment is now open!

Purchase Access to the PEAR Academy

Interested in just one module? Click Here.